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Opportunities for shared training and ongoing upskilling delivered in the Midwest-Gascoyne

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Midwifery Upskilling | Perth

University of Western Australia 35 Stirling Highway, Perth, Australia

Designed for Midwives or GPs with relevant obstetric experience, the Midwifery Upskilling course provides an overview of current best practice in antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care. This includes a discussion of complications in pregnancy/birth and the emergency management of a pregnant woman and her baby, with an emphasis on care in the remote and isolated setting. Course deliv­ery The CRANAplus Mid­wifery Upskilling course con­sists of the following: Pre-course learn­ing and activ­i­ties that must be com­plet­ed one week before the course Mid­wifery Upskilling read­ing and learn­ing activ­i­ties – approx. 7 hours of study that must be com­plet­ed before the course Atten­dance at a two and a half day...


Palliative Care ECHO 2024 | Zoom

Zoom Webinar WA, Australia

ECHO programs offer free interactive online training bringing health professionals and primary care together to share knowledge, ideas, and experiences, fostering a friendly supportive environment. These monthly sessions run for an hour from 11.00am to 12.00pm WA and are open to all health care staff including Nursing, Allied health, GP’s, Community health and Indigenous health workers. Palliative Care ECHO is a series of interactive virtual mentoring sessions that addresses a range of palliative care topics. It aims to increase palliative care knowledge, skills and confidence in health professionals. Each 1 hour session consists of: A 10-minute presentation from a multidisciplinary specialist palliative...

The challenges of Implementing palliative care and voluntary assisted dying in a changing social and health system environment | Online

Online Webinar

The College is grateful to be able to welcome Camilla Rowland, Chief Executive Officer, Palliative Care Australia (PCA) as our guest speaker for the ACHSM College live webcast 2025 series. The Australian health system has traditionally delivered end of life care through palliative care services and other health specialties such as oncology and primary health over the decades.  With our rapidly growing ageing population and the introduction of Voluntary Assisted Dying legislation now across almost every State and Territory, it is critical to consider the impact on the health systems and services, and indeed all health professionals. This webcast considers the...

Mandatory Firearms Health Assessment: What GPs need to know

Online Webinar

Join RACGP WA for an overview of the Firearms Act and the reforms that are taking place, including those consulted on with the College. This webinar will outline the Firearms Act reforms that are taking place including the practical considerations and the role of GPs in terms of the Firearms Health Assessment (FHA) process. Presented by Dr Mariam Bahemia. As always, there will be a dedicated Q&A session, and the opportunity to submit your questions ahead of time.


Triage Emergency Care – Intensive | Online

The CRANAplus Triage Emergency Care course is based on the Emergency Triage Education Kit (ETEK) with a focus on application for rural, remote and isolated settings. Designed for nurses (including practice nurses) and GPs but open to a variety of health care professionals, the course upskills the rural triage practitioner to confidently assess patients and apply the Australasian Triage Scale to allocate an appropriate triage category. Course deliv­ery: The Zoom work­shop for the Triage Emer­gency Care Inten­sive online course is designed to be com­plet­ed in one day. The course deliv­ers the same con­tent as tra­di­tion­al cours­es using a com­bi­na­tion of:...


Triage Emergency Care – Intensive | Online

The CRANAplus Triage Emergency Care course is based on the Emergency Triage Education Kit (ETEK) with a focus on application for rural, remote and isolated settings. Designed for nurses (including practice nurses) and GPs but open to a variety of health care professionals, the course upskills the rural triage practitioner to confidently assess patients and apply the Australasian Triage Scale to allocate an appropriate triage category. Course deliv­ery: The Zoom work­shop for the Triage Emer­gency Care Inten­sive online course is designed to be com­plet­ed in one day. The course deliv­ers the same con­tent as tra­di­tion­al cours­es using a com­bi­na­tion of:...


Clinician Assist WA live demonstration | Online

Online Webinar

Clinician Assist WA is a secure website providing GPs and other health professionals with guidance for assessing, managing and referring patients across Western Australia. It has replaced HealthPathways WA, offering the same trusted local guidance, features and functionality and remains available at no cost. The Clinician Assist WA team will run online demonstrations facilitated by a GP Clinical Editor throughout 2025 to support users. These sessions will demonstrate how to maximise integration of Clinician Assist WA into your clinical practice. Learn key functionalities of the website and how to access condition specific tools and resources, Referral Access Criteria (RAC) (where...


Palliative Care ECHO 2024 | Zoom

Zoom Webinar WA, Australia

ECHO programs offer free interactive online training bringing health professionals and primary care together to share knowledge, ideas, and experiences, fostering a friendly supportive environment. These monthly sessions run for an hour from 11.00am to 12.00pm WA and are open to all health care staff including Nursing, Allied health, GP’s, Community health and Indigenous health workers. Palliative Care ECHO is a series of interactive virtual mentoring sessions that addresses a range of palliative care topics. It aims to increase palliative care knowledge, skills and confidence in health professionals. Each 1 hour session consists of: A 10-minute presentation from a multidisciplinary specialist palliative...


Triage Emergency Care – Intensive | Online

The CRANAplus Triage Emergency Care course is based on the Emergency Triage Education Kit (ETEK) with a focus on application for rural, remote and isolated settings. Designed for nurses (including practice nurses) and GPs but open to a variety of health care professionals, the course upskills the rural triage practitioner to confidently assess patients and apply the Australasian Triage Scale to allocate an appropriate triage category. Course deliv­ery: The Zoom work­shop for the Triage Emer­gency Care Inten­sive online course is designed to be com­plet­ed in one day. The course deliv­ers the same con­tent as tra­di­tion­al cours­es using a com­bi­na­tion of:...

Virtual Diabetes In-Depth | Webinar

Online Webinar

Our virtual Diabetes In-Depth training is suitable for GPs, enrolled and registered nurses, dietitians, diabetes educators, pharmacists, exercise physiologists & other allied health professionals. Our interactive training provides a thorough exploration of diabetes management, equipping you with essential knowledge and skills. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and gain practical insights that you can immediately apply to enhance the support you provide for people living with diabetes. Dive into a day full of insightful topics including: - Blood Glucose Optimisation and Diabetes Technology - Medical Management and Diabetes Complications - The Latest in Dietary Management and Diabetes Remission...


Palliative Care ECHO 2024 | Zoom

Zoom Webinar WA, Australia

ECHO programs offer free interactive online training bringing health professionals and primary care together to share knowledge, ideas, and experiences, fostering a friendly supportive environment. These monthly sessions run for an hour from 11.00am to 12.00pm WA and are open to all health care staff including Nursing, Allied health, GP’s, Community health and Indigenous health workers. Palliative Care ECHO is a series of interactive virtual mentoring sessions that addresses a range of palliative care topics. It aims to increase palliative care knowledge, skills and confidence in health professionals. Each 1 hour session consists of: A 10-minute presentation from a multidisciplinary specialist palliative...


Triage Emergency Care – Intensive | Online

The CRANAplus Triage Emergency Care course is based on the Emergency Triage Education Kit (ETEK) with a focus on application for rural, remote and isolated settings. Designed for nurses (including practice nurses) and GPs but open to a variety of health care professionals, the course upskills the rural triage practitioner to confidently assess patients and apply the Australasian Triage Scale to allocate an appropriate triage category. Course deliv­ery: The Zoom work­shop for the Triage Emer­gency Care Inten­sive online course is designed to be com­plet­ed in one day. The course deliv­ers the same con­tent as tra­di­tion­al cours­es using a com­bi­na­tion of:...


Palliative Care ECHO 2024 | Zoom

Zoom Webinar WA, Australia

ECHO programs offer free interactive online training bringing health professionals and primary care together to share knowledge, ideas, and experiences, fostering a friendly supportive environment. These monthly sessions run for an hour from 11.00am to 12.00pm WA and are open to all health care staff including Nursing, Allied health, GP’s, Community health and Indigenous health workers. Palliative Care ECHO is a series of interactive virtual mentoring sessions that addresses a range of palliative care topics. It aims to increase palliative care knowledge, skills and confidence in health professionals. Each 1 hour session consists of: A 10-minute presentation from a multidisciplinary specialist palliative...


Triage Emergency Care – Intensive | Online

The CRANAplus Triage Emergency Care course is based on the Emergency Triage Education Kit (ETEK) with a focus on application for rural, remote and isolated settings. Designed for nurses (including practice nurses) and GPs but open to a variety of health care professionals, the course upskills the rural triage practitioner to confidently assess patients and apply the Australasian Triage Scale to allocate an appropriate triage category. Course deliv­ery: The Zoom work­shop for the Triage Emer­gency Care Inten­sive online course is designed to be com­plet­ed in one day. The course deliv­ers the same con­tent as tra­di­tion­al cours­es using a com­bi­na­tion of:...


Clinician Assist WA live demonstration | Online

Online Webinar

Clinician Assist WA is a secure website providing GPs and other health professionals with guidance for assessing, managing and referring patients across Western Australia. It has replaced HealthPathways WA, offering the same trusted local guidance, features and functionality and remains available at no cost. The Clinician Assist WA team will run online demonstrations facilitated by a GP Clinical Editor throughout 2025 to support users. These sessions will demonstrate how to maximise integration of Clinician Assist WA into your clinical practice. Learn key functionalities of the website and how to access condition specific tools and resources, Referral Access Criteria (RAC) (where...


Palliative Care ECHO 2024 | Zoom

Zoom Webinar WA, Australia

ECHO programs offer free interactive online training bringing health professionals and primary care together to share knowledge, ideas, and experiences, fostering a friendly supportive environment. These monthly sessions run for an hour from 11.00am to 12.00pm WA and are open to all health care staff including Nursing, Allied health, GP’s, Community health and Indigenous health workers. Palliative Care ECHO is a series of interactive virtual mentoring sessions that addresses a range of palliative care topics. It aims to increase palliative care knowledge, skills and confidence in health professionals. Each 1 hour session consists of: A 10-minute presentation from a multidisciplinary specialist palliative...


Triage Emergency Care – Intensive | Online

The CRANAplus Triage Emergency Care course is based on the Emergency Triage Education Kit (ETEK) with a focus on application for rural, remote and isolated settings. Designed for nurses (including practice nurses) and GPs but open to a variety of health care professionals, the course upskills the rural triage practitioner to confidently assess patients and apply the Australasian Triage Scale to allocate an appropriate triage category. Course deliv­ery: The Zoom work­shop for the Triage Emer­gency Care Inten­sive online course is designed to be com­plet­ed in one day. The course deliv­ers the same con­tent as tra­di­tion­al cours­es using a com­bi­na­tion of:...


Palliative Care ECHO 2024 | Zoom

Zoom Webinar WA, Australia

ECHO programs offer free interactive online training bringing health professionals and primary care together to share knowledge, ideas, and experiences, fostering a friendly supportive environment. These monthly sessions run for an hour from 11.00am to 12.00pm WA and are open to all health care staff including Nursing, Allied health, GP’s, Community health and Indigenous health workers. Palliative Care ECHO is a series of interactive virtual mentoring sessions that addresses a range of palliative care topics. It aims to increase palliative care knowledge, skills and confidence in health professionals. Each 1 hour session consists of: A 10-minute presentation from a multidisciplinary specialist palliative...


Palliative Care ECHO 2024 | Zoom

Zoom Webinar WA, Australia

ECHO programs offer free interactive online training bringing health professionals and primary care together to share knowledge, ideas, and experiences, fostering a friendly supportive environment. These monthly sessions run for an hour from 11.00am to 12.00pm WA and are open to all health care staff including Nursing, Allied health, GP’s, Community health and Indigenous health workers. Palliative Care ECHO is a series of interactive virtual mentoring sessions that addresses a range of palliative care topics. It aims to increase palliative care knowledge, skills and confidence in health professionals. Each 1 hour session consists of: A 10-minute presentation from a multidisciplinary specialist palliative...


Palliative Care ECHO 2024 | Zoom

Zoom Webinar WA, Australia

ECHO programs offer free interactive online training bringing health professionals and primary care together to share knowledge, ideas, and experiences, fostering a friendly supportive environment. These monthly sessions run for an hour from 11.00am to 12.00pm WA and are open to all health care staff including Nursing, Allied health, GP’s, Community health and Indigenous health workers. Palliative Care ECHO is a series of interactive virtual mentoring sessions that addresses a range of palliative care topics. It aims to increase palliative care knowledge, skills and confidence in health professionals. Each 1 hour session consists of: A 10-minute presentation from a multidisciplinary specialist palliative...


Clinician Assist WA live demonstration | Online

Online Webinar

Clinician Assist WA is a secure website providing GPs and other health professionals with guidance for assessing, managing and referring patients across Western Australia. It has replaced HealthPathways WA, offering the same trusted local guidance, features and functionality and remains available at no cost. The Clinician Assist WA team will run online demonstrations facilitated by a GP Clinical Editor throughout 2025 to support users. These sessions will demonstrate how to maximise integration of Clinician Assist WA into your clinical practice. Learn key functionalities of the website and how to access condition specific tools and resources, Referral Access Criteria (RAC) (where...

Virtual Diabetes In-Depth | Webinar

Online Webinar

Our virtual Diabetes In-Depth training is suitable for GPs, enrolled and registered nurses, dietitians, diabetes educators, pharmacists, exercise physiologists & other allied health professionals. Our interactive training provides a thorough exploration of diabetes management, equipping you with essential knowledge and skills. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and gain practical insights that you can immediately apply to enhance the support you provide for people living with diabetes. Dive into a day full of insightful topics including: - Blood Glucose Optimisation and Diabetes Technology - Medical Management and Diabetes Complications - The Latest in Dietary Management and Diabetes Remission...


Palliative Care ECHO 2024 | Zoom

Zoom Webinar WA, Australia

ECHO programs offer free interactive online training bringing health professionals and primary care together to share knowledge, ideas, and experiences, fostering a friendly supportive environment. These monthly sessions run for an hour from 11.00am to 12.00pm WA and are open to all health care staff including Nursing, Allied health, GP’s, Community health and Indigenous health workers. Palliative Care ECHO is a series of interactive virtual mentoring sessions that addresses a range of palliative care topics. It aims to increase palliative care knowledge, skills and confidence in health professionals. Each 1 hour session consists of: A 10-minute presentation from a multidisciplinary specialist palliative...


Palliative Care ECHO 2024 | Zoom

Zoom Webinar WA, Australia

ECHO programs offer free interactive online training bringing health professionals and primary care together to share knowledge, ideas, and experiences, fostering a friendly supportive environment. These monthly sessions run for an hour from 11.00am to 12.00pm WA and are open to all health care staff including Nursing, Allied health, GP’s, Community health and Indigenous health workers. Palliative Care ECHO is a series of interactive virtual mentoring sessions that addresses a range of palliative care topics. It aims to increase palliative care knowledge, skills and confidence in health professionals. Each 1 hour session consists of: A 10-minute presentation from a multidisciplinary specialist palliative...


Clinician Assist WA live demonstration | Online

Online Webinar

Clinician Assist WA is a secure website providing GPs and other health professionals with guidance for assessing, managing and referring patients across Western Australia. It has replaced HealthPathways WA, offering the same trusted local guidance, features and functionality and remains available at no cost. The Clinician Assist WA team will run online demonstrations facilitated by a GP Clinical Editor throughout 2025 to support users. These sessions will demonstrate how to maximise integration of Clinician Assist WA into your clinical practice. Learn key functionalities of the website and how to access condition specific tools and resources, Referral Access Criteria (RAC) (where...

Visit WA Centre for Rural Health for more training opportunities

Events Calendar

Calendar of Events

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1 event,

Triage Emergency Care – Intensive | Online

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1 event,


Monitored Medicines Prescribing Code changes

0 events,

2 events,

- Recurring

Triage Emergency Care – Intensive | Online


Dietary Considerations & Gestational Diabetes | Webinar

2 events,


Welcome to 2025 | Geraldton


WA Rural Health Long Service Awards 2025 | Perth

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

1 event,

- Recurring

Midwifery Upskilling | Perth

1 event,

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Midwifery Upskilling | Perth

1 event,

- Recurring

Midwifery Upskilling | Perth

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

1 event,

- Recurring

Palliative Care ECHO 2024 | Zoom

1 event,


The challenges of Implementing palliative care and voluntary assisted dying in a changing social and health system environment | Online

0 events,

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0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

1 event,


Mandatory Firearms Health Assessment: What GPs need to know

0 events,

1 event,

- Recurring

Triage Emergency Care – Intensive | Online

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

View full calendar here.